
We have a lumber deal, but. . .

Yes, there is more going on in Canada besides hockey. . . there's lumber, too.

Canada and the United States reached a tentative deal on the years-long dispute over lumber. However, there is way more to be known about the agreement. So far, the news from key Canadian players is not optimistic.

Published reports say in the 7-year deal, the U.S. would return most of the duties money it collected and limit Canada's market share to around 34 percent.

Initially, there are issues where British Columbia would benefit to the detriment of Quebec and Ontario, the other two provinces that are part of the Canadian lumber industry.

As much as I hope for a quality solution, I am pessimistic until I see a lot more from the deal.


At 4/28/2006 12:33:00 a.m., Blogger Oh, Miss! said...

interesting. i just blogged about canada and here it is. don't think you'd like it..... but... oh well. nice.


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