
Canada, its health care, and SiCKO

I got a chance to see a sneak preview of the new Michael Moore film "SiCKO."

I don't want to spoil it for the many who want to see the movie. Needless to say, Canada is featured prominently in portraying a better-run health care system. Yes, Canada, like every industralized Western country (except for the U.S.) has free, universal health care. And yes, Canadians do pay for it through taxes.

Moore does focus on the tax issue somewhat, though I'm curious to hear from Canadians as to their experience. I know a couple of Canadians came up to Moore at Cannes and said the Canadian system wasn't as good as he made it out to be. Then again, when Moore offered to trade insurance cards, they refused.

I would argue, perhaps naively, that recent setbacks in Canadian health care is due to money being cutback from budgets.

There are precious Canadian moments that I will share once the movie opens nationwide. I will run my piece on Saturday morning at 12:01 a.m. CDT, so if you don't want it to be spoiled, see it Friday.

I will share one funny note during the credits: the offer that if you want to marry a Canadian for health care coverage, there is a Web site hook-a-canuck.com/. If you click on the site, it shows a picture of Josh Kanuck, "SiCKO" Assistant Editor, a play off his last name. But then you can click to find Canadian matchmaking services found online. I've thought about marrying a Canadian for that purpose (and to move up there).


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