
Hillary Clinton drinks a Canadian whiskey

To "prove" that a presidential candidate can be "one of the people," sometimes they indulge in activities they otherwise might not do.

Pancake dinners, eating whatever is placed in front of them, even bowling. Well, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) was drinking a beer in a bar in Crown Point, Indiana when the bartender asked the presidential candidate if she wanted a shot.

Clinton asked that it not be something sweet. The bartender suggested a shot of Crown Royal whiskey. She took a couple of sips before then downing the rest of the shot.

What Sen. Clinton may not have realized is that Crown Royal is a Canadian whiskey. Crown Royal is apparently the number one selling Canadian whiskey in the U.S.

The faux pas is that Clinton probably should have picked an American whiskey. But it is magnified since Clinton is now not supporting NAFTA after she had supported it. Imports from Canada are a huge part of NAFTA.


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