
Codeine from Canada

When I try and explain to my friends in the United States how you can get codeine over-the-counter in Canada, they are very skeptical. After all, it's illegal without a prescription in the United States.

Well, it's not pure codeine. It's acetaminophen with up to 8 mg codeine/tablet in Canada. Still, it packs a little punch.

When you buy the pain medication, you have to ask the pharmacist. You won't find it on the regular shelves. Often, you will have to pay for it at the pharmacy.

Chris Berman of ESPN fame explains it pretty well in this clip. His characterization of the exchange between an American and the pharmacist is spot-on.

He does refer to smuggling, which BTW is not legal. There are ways to legally bring in small amounts of the drug -- the last time I looked it up, you were allowed to bring in for your own personal purpose up to 50 tablets per person per 30 days. I don't know if that is still the case, so you are on your own.


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