
Happy Canada Day

July 1 is Dominion Day, or Canada Day, when Canada first became a country in 1867. So happy birthday Canada.

Be sure to wear red and white today, the colors of the Canadian flag.

From Prime Minister Stephen Harper:

July 1, 2007

Ottawa, Ontario

"Greetings fellow CanadiansÂ…

On July 1, 1867, three small colonies joined together as the Dominion of Canada.

Today 140 years later, we are a federation of 10 provinces and three territories, stretching to the coasts of three oceans.

But our vision reaches beyond our shores.

We are building successful business in world markets.

We are working to deliver aid and enhance security throughout our globe.

And, in concert with other countries, we are wrestling to address the environmental challenges that confront our planet.

From championships in hockey to humanitarian and military leadership roles in Afghanistan and Haiti, we can say again this year, Canada is a citizen of the world and we make our contribution a positive one.

And why shouldn`t we? From the natural wealth of the land that God created, to the talents, energy and imagination of people drawn from all the nations of the earth, we are a country that has been truly blessed.

I believe that whether our ancestors came from the East, the West, or the South, as Canadians we always look to the North for the true definition of our country.

This past year, I visited our Canadian Forces and public service personnel at Alert on Ellesmere Island, the most northerly human habitation on the planet.

As I looked at the vast gleaming expanse of the Arctic I could not help but think it is as limitless as the potential of Canada itself.

On behalf of Laureen, Ben, and Rachel as well as all of our government, I wish you, your friends and your loved ones, a happy Canada Day."

— Prime Minister Stephen Harper
July 1, 2007


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