
HNIC remains on CBC

This story is most relevant for those who live near the Canadian border and receive the CBC either through an antenna or cable.

The CBC and the NHL announced a extension to keep Hockey Night in Canada on the CBC until 2014.

The CBC has suffered a few blows lately, losing the CFL after this upcoming season as well as the 2010 Olympics, both going to the TSN sports cable network and CTV. (CTV owns the Canadian part of TSN, with ESPN owning the rest.)

CBC's Hockey Night in Canada is currently in its 54th season on television.

You can't get TSN unless you live in Canada, and in most markets near the border, you can't get CTV nearly as well as the CBC. In Detroit, you only need a cheap antenna to get Channel 9 (CBET - Windsor). Even Seattle cable subscribers can get CBUT/Channel 2 in Vancouver.

The CBC is a great window for those who live along the border to get a great peek into the Canadian world. And hockey is truly part of that world.


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