
Using another country's money

When you travel in Canada anywhere near the border, your U.S. money is welcome. Just about anybody will take the greenback. Though in the old days, given the then-value, Canadians would have been really happy for U.S. money.

You won't get a good exchange rate using U.S. money in Canada, but you can use it. Try paying with Canadian money in downtown Detroit, even with the current exchange rate, they might call the cops. It can't be done.

Now, there's a story of a pizza place in Dallas that takes Mexican pesos. The controversy appears to be more tie into immigration than accepting another country's money.

I'm curious as to whether pesos are accepted in cities such as El Paso or even San Diego. There are a few border businesses that will take Canadian money. If you have a good border money story, pass the word on to us.


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