
What is in your Canadian Mt. Dew?

Did you know that Mountain Dew in Canada has no caffeine? That's right: none. At least, regular Mountain Dew doesn't. But Mountain Dew Energy does have caffeine. And a rather impressive warning label about the dangers of caffeine. Apparently, Canadian law requires that non-colas be caffeine-free to avoid confusion.

I could understand that, except this new
Mountain Dew Energy does have caffeine. But since the caffeine is licensed, it does come with an amusing warning. Remember, caffeine is for medicinal purposes only.

RECOMMENDED USE: Developed for periods of increased mental and physical exertion. Helps temporarily restore mental alertness or wakefulness when experiencing fatigue or drowsiness.

RECOMMENDED DOSE: Drink 591mL (1 bottle) as needed.

MEDICINAL INGREDIENT: Per 591mL: Caffeine 91mg

CAUTIONS: Contains caffeine. Not recommended for children, pregnant or breast-feeding women, or caffeine-sensitive persons. Do not consume more than 1000mg caffeine per day.


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