Explanation for 'Good Night Canada'
Even if you don't know what PTI means, you will appreciate this story.
PTI stands for "Pardon the Interruption" on ESPN. It's a sports talk show where two Washington Post sports reporters talk about the sports news of the day. The show is a bit silly and doesn't have the screaming matches sports radio can be.
At the end of every show, Tony Kornheiser would wave a Canadian flag and say, "Good Night, Canada." I did wonder what about Tony's apparent love for Canada, but never enough to do research.
On Monday, Michael Wilbon (the other host of PTI) was asked the question on a Washington Post chat. Here was his response:
"The salute to Canada at the end of our PTI is there because TSN, Canada's sports network, which carries our show, signs off then and doesn't carry our final segement which appears on ESPN in the U.S. during SportsCenter...So, without that specific goodbye, we'd never have a sign-off in Canada."
I was hoping Tony had a soft sense for the neighbors to the North.
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